VCM: the difference between a resident at Krishna Bhumi and a visitor

The Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir, once completed, will stand more than 700 ft tall and will…

Live blessed – Krishna Bhumi, Living besides a world monument

Vrindavan has always had a pull for people who are religiously inclined. However, it cannot…

Cataract surgery to be conducted at free eye camp at Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan

In a pioneering effort taking place in Vrindavan, eye surgeons from Mumbai will be conducting…

Avirbhav Mahotsava of Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati celebrated

Bhaktisiddhanta Sataswati Thakur’s appearance day was celebrated in Vrindavan. The Gaudiya Vaishnavas assembled at Shri…

Shri Radha Damodar’s appearance day was celebrated in Vrindavan

Shri Radha Damodar’s appearance day was celebrated in Vrindavan

Thakur Shri Radha Damodar’s appearance day was celebrated at Radha Damodar Mandir.  A Special abhishek…

Chandeliers of the Vasanti Kamra of Shahji Mandir of Vrindavan

The Shahji Mandir of Vrindavan is famous for its chandeliers, which are kept in a…


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