The 700ft Vrindavan Temple – knotting the Globe with devotion & love covered by Hindustan Times

The Vrindavan Chandrodaya Temple is not only talked about  for its Tall & impressively slender structure but the most interesting part is about the construction and which is brought in the limelight by Hindustan Times in its Agra edition Newspaper , dated 20th July 2016.

An overbridge towards the Entrance to the Mandir

An overbridge towards the Entrance to the Mandir

Both in terms of funding and logistical support this temple is uniting people from several religions and nationalities across the globe. It is said that the project is more spiritual than religious. Apart from the main temple structure, the temple will be surrounded by forests, clear water lakes, waterfalls from hillocks – all recreated from descriptions in the Srimad Bhagvatam and other attractions will include a Yamuna Creek, Bhagvad Gita Expo and a Krishna Heritage Museum.

Once on top of this 700ft structure, the temple promises to provide a spectacular view. It is being designed to have minimum radiative  heating of the internal environment. The temple is also being designed to withstand strong wind load and intense earthquake tremors measuring upto 6.8 on the Ritcher scale.The Illuminated Night view

Right at the feet of Vrindavan Chandrodaya Mandir, the world’s tallest Krishna Temple - Krishna Bhumi would have its existence promising the entire world a state of perpetual union with Lord Krishna.

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