The Indian postal department, after delivering gangajal to people, will now also deliver Prasad from Bankey Bihari, Radharani temple in Barsana, Dwarkadeesh, Krishna Janmasthan and other temples to your doorstep. For now, a pilot project has been launched and Prasad is being delivered to people in western Uttar Pradesh and NCR. If this pilot is successful, then the main project will be launched soon.
The post master general has said that this service of Prasad delivery will be available from six temples and once launched orders will be taken both online and on phone. For the initial phase, the service will be available in Mathura, Agra, Mainpur, Jhansi, Aligarh, Bulandshaher and Etah and of course Delhi. Same day delivery will be available in Agra and Mathura and 24 hours delivery will be available everywhere else.
Meanwhile, free wifi services have been launched at Krishna Janmasthan and Dwarkadeesh temples. Another month later free wifi services will also be available at the Bankey Bihari Temple.