Thousands of couples perform Jugal Jodi Parikrama on Akshaya Navami

Devotees performed Yugal Jodi Parikrama of Mathura and Vrindavan together on Wednesday. Thousands of devotees performed parikrama in couples.  Performing Parikrama of the twin cities of Mathura and Vrindavan on Akshay Navami has special significance.

The meaning of Akshaya, is inexhaustible, something that doesn’t decay or perish. People performed Parikrama to acquire the inexhaustible knowledge of the Divine and thereby attaining the bliss and peace.

The devotees undertook parikrama (circumambulate) of the twin city of Mathura and Vrindavan. They came out of their homes early in the morning before sunrise, barefoot, walked down to Yamua, took a holy dip, worshiped Yamuna, smeared a Vraja raja on their foreheads and then started the Parikrama.

Social organizations had put up free water and food stalls at most of the road crossings. The First Aid camps were also put by the Civil Society organizations. The District Authorities had made elaborate security arrangements to ensure free movement of the devotees. Traffic restriction and ban on the entry of the heavy vehicle made it easy for the devotees.

The devotees went around the holy cities of Mathura and Vrindavan after smearing ‘raja’.  After they started from Vrindavan, walking along the holy river Yamuna, they offered their respects at various temples – Shri Madan Mohan Mandir, Shri Banke Bihari Mandir, Shri Radha Ballabh Mandir,  Kaliya Dah, Cheer Ghat, Nidhivan, Radha Raman, Keshi Ghat, Gopeshwar Mahadev, Jagannath Ghat and finally Chamunda Devi in Vrindavan.

Then they walked towards Mathura, along Yamuna taking the same rout as taken by Lord Krishna when He left Vrindavan on the invitation of His maternal uncle Kamsa, and offered prayers at Akroor Ghat temple on their way.

On entering Mathura they worshiped Yamuna again at Vishram Ghat, offered pooja at Dwarkadheesh Temple, Rangeshwar Mahadev, Bhuteshwar Mahadev and Shri Krishna Janmasthan. Then they walked back to Vrindavan through the forests and grass lands where lord Krishna used to graze cows.

Though the Parikrama was very tiresome, but the devotees enjoyed doing this. It is mentioned in the Varah Puran that residing just one day in Vrindavan  equals to residing 1000 days in Varanasi.

The women worshiped the Amla Trees, and prayed long life for their husbands.



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